Alright we are approximately 365 days until LUXOTIC in Bali! And while 30% of Americans may have $2500 lying around for an exotic purpose retreat to Bali, this article is for the rest who don’t (yet!) !We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to save, sacrific or steal (ok not really but you get the point) to get to Bali Summer 2020! In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can make it work for your pockets and your passport!

1) Set a monthly budget
$208.33 a month! That’s it! If you set aside $208.33 a month, or $104.17 per pay period (you’re welcome!) you’ll have the $2,500 in one year! Set the money aside yourself to an account you CAN’T touch or select automatic monthly payments when you book! Either way, it’s an easy way to pay and over time! You can always make a bigger payment or pay off your trip during tax season or when during bonus time!
2) Make monthly or daily sacrifices
you know what they say - short term sacrifices = long term rewards! So $208 a month is less than $7 a day! Sounds like a Dunkin/Starbucks run to me! Try sacrificing something for $200 bucks a month for the next year! Yes it’s going to be difficult, the the Bali Memories, enrichment, and let’s not talk about the epic Picture, will thank you later. And after you’ve succeeded for a year, treat yo’ self once you've accomplished your goal of being fully paid! Starbucks on the way to the airport sounds like a perfect plan!
3) CrowdFund anyone!?
Look, it never hurts to ask! If there are friends, family colleagues or just that person that is ready and willing to support your rejuvenation, let them! All of our purpose retreats have a mission trip attached, so feel free to tell your future sponsors about that too!
4) Join Luxotic Go Rewards!
Did you know if you refer 5 friends who book and pay in full, You will get 50% off your trip! When you Refer 10 friends who book and pay in full, you will travel for free - all Expenses paid! Trip expenses will be paid via reimbursement 24 hours before the trip. Check out our site for more information.
5) Say a prayer or two!
Last but certainly not least! prayers go a long way, especially for someone who is seeing this trip as ”impossible” or “out-of-budget”, say a prayer, write it down, put it in a vision board that you see daily and let the powers that are higher than ourselves make the trip happen! We are going to have A LOT of fun on this retreat, nevertheless there will be many spiritual qualities of this retreat including weekly prayer and meditation to get your mind and spirit prepared for this retreat. Add your name or request to our prayer list, dial in and join us